Trezor Wallet

If your device is compromised by malware, the addresses could be swapped. Trezor devices display the address on their screen for this purpose.

The digital assets industry is growing rapidly. As one study puts it, in total, there are over 420 million crypto users worldwide. Yet, many still fall prey to bad security practices.

As millions more begin their crypto journey, it is of utmost importance to understand and implement good security practices. After all, being your bank comes with its responsibilities!

Give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve been using a hardware wallet to safeguard your coins and tokens. Hardware wallets are essentially the safest way to own your coins, keep your wallet safe offline, and maintain anonymity. Familiarise yourself with how hardware wallets work (Here’s a 2-minute guide). Knowing why hardware wallets like Trezor are safer will enhance your confidence and help you use your device effectively.

Don’t let your coins linger on exchanges longer than necessary. Move your assets to your hardware wallet for safer storage. We’ve seen numerous instances of the risks associated with exchanges. Consider the Mt. Gox incident in 2014, where users lost approximately 740,000 bitcoins. Similarly, the unexpected closure of the QuadrigaCX exchange led to a significant loss of customer assets. FTX exchange’s bankruptcy from last year has left many users in financial limbo. Maintain control of your digital assets. Embrace self-custody! While you’re at it, here’s more about self-custody.

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